Monday, November 2, 2015

Reason Why I Chose To Take Creative Writing For School

I chose Creative Writing for this school semester, and one of the reasons for my choice can be traced back to when I was a kid. See, when I was in the fifth grade, there were a few Mondays that were dedicated to creative writing. I enjoyed these periods immensely—so much that I even remember being excited the night prior because I knew what was going to happen the next day.

Now, this class period lasted for only a few weeks, but what came out of it was my love for writing; I love to create things that I, as a writer, can be proud of. It's like my own little world.

I owe my love for writing to those few weeks in 1998. I've been writing on and off since then, the first few years were dedicated to fanfiction, whether it was based on a video game or an anime. It was only until 2006 that I attempted to write something of my own.

We are now at the end of 2015, and I can safely say that while fanfiction is fun to write, my preference lies in creating my own material; I find that there's more freedom in it for me, and I just enjoy it more as I enjoy the thrill of writing my own characters, my own story lines, and so on.

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