Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Power Rangers

This show takes me back. It takes me back to the early 90's, a time where all I needed to worry about was school and watching TV or playing video games.

The Power Rangers were huge back then--much like the TMNT were. They had video games, action figures of all kinds, and the TV show that ran for several upon several seasons. I remember coming home from school and watching this every single day on Fox Kids. I remember the original five: Jason, Kimberly, Trini, Zack, and Billy. Each of them represented a different color and a different type of prehistoric animal. Jason had the Tyrannosaurus and was the red ranger. Kimberly had Pterodactyl and was the Pink Ranger. Billy had the Triceratops and was the Blue Ranger. Zach had the Mastodon and was the Black Ranger. Trini had the Sabertooth Tiger and was the Yellow Ranger. Together they combined to form The Megazord.

Sure the show was cheesy, but it was awesome. It was the show that we, the kids, could not get enough of.

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