Saturday, November 23, 2013

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

I was at Target today, and I saw something great. Something that was both nostalgic and new. I saw an ad for an upcoming DKC game. Not just any DKC game either, no. This was an ad for a new Donkey Kong Country game. Better yet: both DK and Diddy are going to be playable. If that wasn't good enough, they're going to throw in Dixie Kong (from DKC 2 and 3) into the mix. Words can't describe how happy I was. A new game with all three? Nintendo, just take my money right now.

This is fantastic. It really is. Older gamers like me can get this game and experience a new, much-needed sense of nostalgia. It's been a long time since there was a DKC game with Dixie in it.

It's also great for fans in general. You get a sense of nostalgia with all three in the mix, but you also get a new game with a side of what made the classics so great.

I'm so psyched! Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - Nintendo Wii U

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