Monday, November 18, 2013

Space Ace (SNES)

I prefer to do reviews on games that I actually like, but some games I just can't avoid. What I mean by that: games that troubled me when I was a child. Games that frustrated me and angered me. That's why I chose Space Ace. It's a game that, unfortunately, sucked. It could have, and should have, been a good game--had they planned it out better, evened everything out, and given the player a far better chance. That didn't happen, though.

The game is extremely frustrating. I honestly think that videos don't do this game justice when it comes to difficulty. I was a kid and I experienced every bad thing that this game had to offer. I didn't experience the later stuff because I didn't get that far. Here are some, if not all, the problems with this game:

One-hit deaths.
No continues.
Awkward jumping.
Dexter has no blaster while Dark Dexter does.
Space Maze has no map.
The second maze, if you make it that far, is even worse than the first one--as hard as that is to believe.

The game is just a massive let-down. Any hate that this game gets is warranted because of how hard the game really is. It's brutal.

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