Monday, November 11, 2013

The Death Of Superman

My cousins gave me some great presents for my birthday. In fact, I got plenty of great presents and I'm blessed. One present in particular, given to me by cousin Arturo (, has a story that I wanted to do a blog about. It's a story that was, and I feel still is, a big deal: The Death Of Superman.

Superman was, is, and will always be one of the all-time greats. I'm not a fan of his in particular, but I do have a ton of respect for Superman. How could I not respect him? He is a good man with a ton of great powers. That, and he has decades upon decades of comics behind him. Still to this day, he's one of DC's top guns.

In the 90's there was a story about a monster, a monster so scary and powerful that he broke steel doors with his strength, killed innocent animals just because, and defeated several heroes all by himself: Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, to name a few. His name was Doomsday--a powerful new enemy that was strong, surprisingly agile, and had spikes on his skin. He was so strong that only one man, one Superhero could stand up against him: Superman.

I love this story. Why? Because it makes Doomsday look like a complete badass. There was only one Superhero that could save us, and that is what led to the showdown between Superman and Doomsday. They hit each other so hard that the buildings suffered damage. Every blow took a lot out of both Supes and Doomsday. Eventually Doomsday was killed due to the wounds, but at a seemingly high cost: The Death Of Superman. He died because his wounds were just that major. He died in the arms of Lois Lane.

I love this story, and I would honestly recommend it to anyone. The Death of Superman Superman: The Death and Return of Superman Omnibus

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