Saturday, April 12, 2014

Digimon (Season 1 and 2)

I love this show, I really do. It started off as an anomaly of sorts. I was bored one Saturday morning, and this show just so happened to be on. I wasn't feeling it at first, but I liked it more and more with each episode I saw. Before I knew it, I was hooked on this show. I was invested in this show--a show about these kids who are attending Summer Camp, and they all get sucked into this strange world. Together they are known as the DigiDestined.

The group is consisted of Tai, Matt, Izzy, Sora, Mimi, Joe, T.K., and later on, Kari. These kids get partnered up with a Digimon--a creature that is made up of data, and it can resemble anything from a wolf, to a dinosaur, to even an angel. They fall under one of three categories: data, virus, or vaccine. These creatures, their partners in particular, are rather real in the things that they do and feel. These Digimon feel pain, loneliness, hunger, courage, fear, etc. These Digimon form not only a partnership, but a friendship with each one of the kids. The fact that these creatures are capable of all this really does go to show how good this show is. Is it perfect? No. But it's quite fun to watch, and it's quite the experience.

My nostalgia senses were kicking into a higher gear as I watched this show last year. I remember why I loved this show so much, and it has nothing to do with nostalgia glasses. It has to do with the fact these these characters (the kids and their partner Digimon) are easy to relate to. They go through real issues, and that's something I give them props for. These characters learn and grow, and it makes me feel like I just watched something worthwhile.

Season 2 has returning characters, but only two of them are in the new group of DigiDestined. The other three are new characters. The rest of the kids from season 1 do come back, but more so in a supportive role. All of the kids from season 1 are older, which is a very nice touch since not only animation has characters age.

I love the ending for season 2. I won't spoil it, but I did love the closure that it brought. Digimon: Digital Monsters - The Official First Season Digimon: Digital Monsters - The Official Second Season

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